Saltroad help connect you with an experienced, UK-registered Speech & Language Therapist based on...
Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Read More.
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Saltroad help connect you with an experienced, UK-registered Speech & Language Therapist based on...
Juniver delivers on-demand help, specialist care, and a supportive community for lasting recovery from...
HealthKey is changing the way healthcare is accessed and paid for. HealthKey connects health...
Reducing the administrative burden of mental health clinicians, using explainable generative AI. Anathem reduces...
Virtue enables hospital level care in the home, to re-define health system capacity, efficiency...
Aparito digitises clinical trials and captures real-world data through mobile apps, video assessments &...
Kuano is providing innovative quantum and AI solutions for drug discovery and design. Their...
NunaBio is a biotech company that has developed a novel way to scale cell-free...
Panakeia provides comprehensive ‘omics’ molecular analysis of patient tissues significantly faster and cheaper than...
Neuronostics are reimagining the way neurological conditions are diagnosed, treated, and monitored. They use...
Amilis is on a mission to raise awareness about women’s fertility. Their platform provides...
Nebuflow is developing the next generation of nebulisers. Its patented aerosol formation technology enables...
AMLo is developing prognostic tests for cancers with unmet needs. Its first product is...
Thalamos’ mission is to empower health and social care professionals with technology to improve...
Acurable has produced the first wearable medical device able to accurately diagnose and manage...
Untap detects collective bio-markers in the outgoing wastewater of a building. Completely automated, passive...
Tailor Bio is developing an AI-driven drug discovery platform for pan-cancer precision medicine. They...
AI-driven platform to curate and analyse data in complex diseases.